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Fall SONA Move Challenge

September 13th - November 7th, 2021

The Special Olympics North America (SONA) Move Challenge is an 8-week movement challenge where participants track how many minutes of exercise they complete each week! Did you know the CDC-recommended amount of moderate to vigorous activity adults should get each week is between 150 - 300 minutes (equivalent to 20 - 45 minutes per day)? Children ages 6-17 should get 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity each day! Any kind of intentional exercise counts towards #SONAMove minutes. Examples include walking, swimming, biking, mowing the lawn, lifting weights, or playing Special Olympics sports like soccer, basketball or bocce! Unintentional activity like walking across the street to retrieve the mail does not count.

  • Click here for a printable Activity Tracker Calendar (or click here for an online version) to help you keep track of your weekly exercise minutes!

  • Click here to view the Fall SONA Move website and to submit your weekly mintues online!

Participants can either self-report their weekly movement minute totals online (click here to submit your weekly minutes!) or contact SOVT Engagement Manager, Eva Clark to do so at  or 802-861-0280. 

You should be reporting weekly minutes each Monday during the SONA Move Challenge. In addition, participants will learn about different important topics in health and fitness throughout the #SONAMove season! 

The #SONAMove Challenge kicks off Monday, September 13th and will last 8 weeks, until November 7th!


ANYWHERE that you enjoy exercising! If the weather is nice, get your movement minutes outdoors! If it’s raining, complete your minutes indoors with a YouTube workout like yoga or high intensity interval training (HIIT).


You can participate in #SONAMove as: an Individual (athlete), a Traditional Doubles pair (2 athletes), a Unified Doubles pair (1 athlete, 1 Unified partner), a Traditional Team (3-10 athletes only), or as a Unified Team (3-10 athletes and Unified partners)! Unified teams must be at least 25% athletes and 25% Unified partners. SOVT encourages participants to utilize a partner or team in order to have accountability buddies! SOVT will connect you with a partner or team if you do not already have one!

Note: Unified Partners must be Class A volunteers to participate. Please visit our Resources page (, click on the "For Unified Partners" tab, and download the Class A Volunteer Application & Background Form. Please print, complete and mail to Special Olympics Vermont at 16 Gregory Drive Suite 2, South Burlington, VT, 05403.


ANYTHING that is an intentional movement counts: running, walking, swimming, hiking, dancing, yoga, etc. If you are practicing with your Special Olympics team, your time spent at practice counts towards #SONAMove minutes! Note: This is NOT a step or distance challenge.


SONA Move will help you stay fit and healthy during your off seasons, and will keep you ready/prepared for your next sports competition! Movement is proven to benefit the body and mind. Not only is movement heart-healthy, but it increases your self-esteem, improves your mood, & increases your energy level!


Please email SOVT Engagement Manager, Eva Clark at to submit your minutes each Monday! If you are self submitting minutes online, be sure you are only submitting your own individual minutes, not your collective team or doubles pair minutes.

• Each person needs to submit their own individual minutes, even if you’re part of a doubles pair or team.
• When you submit your minutes, please use the exact same name or team name that you registered with. If you registered as Jane Smith, you cannot submit your minutes as Jane A. Smith. If your team name is registered as, "We Are The Champions", you cannot submit your minutes as, "We are the champions".

Once the challenge begins on September 13th, participants will keep track of how many minutes they exercise each day for a weekly total (Monday-Sunday). Linked above on this webpage is a printable calendar to help you keep track of your weekly minutes. Every Monday, participants will either go online to self-report their minutes via a SmartSheet survey, or contact Eva to report their weekly minutes. Reporting your minutes earns you a spot on Region-wide leaderboards for the different participant groups (Athlete leaderboard, Doubles leaderboard, Teams leaderboard)! You can view the Dashboard when you submit your minutes on the Fall SONA Move Challenge website at

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If you want to contact a specific staff member directly, please call the SOVT office at (802) 863-5222. Contact information for local community and school program coordinators can be found on our local program pages.  For everything else, connect with us via the form below!

Thanks for submitting!

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16 Gregory Drive, Suite 2
South Burlington, VT 05403


Local: (802) 863-5222
Fax: (802) 863-3911

© 2023 by Special Olympics Vermont. 
Designed and developed by LONDONmiddlebury. 

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